Originally created for a challenge of Great Pottery Throw Down aired on BBC in 2017, the design consists of four creatures in danger by human impact, in a form of nesting dolls. In the original set, each creature carries an environmental issue created by humans, presented at the back of the pieces, painted in detail with underglazes. These include global warming on the polar bear, illegal hunting on the seal, overfishing on the ocean and oil spilled on the coral. To refine and to extend the collection, moulds had been made to produce identical objects using the technique Slip Casting. Liquid form of clay is first pulled into the mould, let set, then drain out. Timing is crucial when releasing the casted bear from the mould, as it will break if it’s taken out of too soon or too late. Hours was put into refining and decorating the bears after they were released from the mould, each of them is truly unique. The three pricing options reflect the complication of the work and the hours of input. To make it even more special, each bear comes with a little adoption certificate. You can also request a customised message on the certificate to make this a perfect gift for your special one for all occasion. Measure approximately 10x8x8cm. Please note postage of this product will be charged by weight and will be automatically calculated at check out.
Polar Bears
- Dimension: 10X8X8cm
- Material: Earthenware
- Colour: Various
- Suitable as decorative piece on its own.
- This is a standard products, which is ready to ship within 1-3 business days.
- Weight (with packaging): 1kg